sick people 意味

発音を聞く:   sick peopleの例文
  • 病人{びょうにん}


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. mio okayama sick people morbidly sick people saved yes
    澪 得了这种病的人是没有救的
  2. mio okayama sick people morbidly sick people saved yes
    澪 得了这种病的人是没有救的
  3. there is also jyouou to help sick people in attendance
  4. because , mostly , sick people used to be healthy people
    普通 病人は健康だったわけで
  5. because , mostly , sick people used to be healthy people
    普通 病人は健康だったわけで


        examine people who are sick:    病人{びょうにん}を診察{しんさつ}する
        sick people and well:    病人{びょうにん}と健康{けんこう}な人
        take care of sick people:    病人{びょうにん}を看護{かんご}する
        engage in the transportation of injured and sick people:    傷病者{しょうびょうしゃ}の搬送{はんそう}を行う
        sick:     1sick n. 病人. 【動詞+】 heal the sick 病人を治す nurse the sick 病人を看護する serve the sick in a hospital 病院で病人に付き添う She tended the sick carefully. 彼女は病人を手厚く看護した watch over the sic
        sick of:    sick of 飽き飽き 厭き厭き あきあき
        to be sick of:    to be sick of 嫌気が差す いやけがさす
        administer to the sick:    病人{びょうにん}のためにつくす
        air sick:    air sick エアシック
        anointing of the sick:    病人{びょうにん}の塗油{とゆ}、《カトリック》終油{しゅうゆ}の秘跡{ひせき}
        as sick as a dog:    ひどく気分{きぶん}が悪い Betty came into the office this morning (as) sick as a dog, so we sent her home. ベティは今朝ひどく気持ち悪そうに会社に来たため、私たちは彼女を家まで送った。
        as sick as a parrot:    ひどく不調で
        be off sick with:     be óff síck with O 〈病気など〉で欠勤している.
        be sick with worry:     be síck with wórry ((略式))とても心配している.
        be worried sick:     be wórried síck Click...


  1. "sick on purpose" 意味
  2. "sick out" 意味
  3. "sick parade" 意味
  4. "sick patient's right to die" 意味
  5. "sick pay" 意味
  6. "sick people and well" 意味
  7. "sick person" 意味
  8. "sick placenta syndrome" 意味
  9. "sick prank" 意味
  10. "sick patient's right to die" 意味
  11. "sick pay" 意味
  12. "sick people and well" 意味
  13. "sick person" 意味

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